An Audi car care center can properly spring clean your Audi to ensure the finest and safest driving for you and your family. Here are just some of the things to ask your Audi car care professional to perform for your car.

Test the Battery

The cold weather conditions of winter can place significant wear on your car's battery. If your battery is around three or even five years old, ask your Audi car care technician to inspect and test the battery. They will look at the terminal connections, as well as the leftover charge in the battery and tell you whether you need a new battery.

Replace the Wiper Blades

When ice accumulates on your windshield and your wiper blades move over that jagged surface, it can create small cracks and breaks in the rubber. Then when you go to use your wipers, you won't have consistent wiping action from the blades. In spring, ask your car care professional to inspect the wiper blades and replace them if necessary.

Replace the Cabin Air Filter

Your Audi has a cabin air filter that helps keep cabin air comfortable and free of dust, dirt, pollen, and other exterior airborne particles. When spring arrives, pollen is at its peak. To ensure the comfort of you and your family members, especially those who suffer from allergies, have your Audi car care specialist replace the cabin filter during your spring cleaning and checkup.

Inspect Tires

Snow, ice, and potholes make for unpredictable road surfaces during winter driving. Potholes in particular can cause damage up to an average of $377 annually, to tires, rims, shock absorbers, and suspension systems, as well as affecting the vehicle's alignment. Ask your car technician to carefully look for new or pending damage to all of these things during your Audi spring cleaning checkup and maintenance. Doing so will help to keep your car on the road, not broken down on the side of it.

Wash Vehicle

Unfortunately, the sand and salt that towns put on roads to increase road traction, also causes body dirt and sometimes damage to vehicles. After the last snow, ask your Audi car care specialist to give your car a comprehensive wash and wax. The washing process will help remove dirt and dried-on salt that could potentially damage your car's finish, causing pitting and scratches. It will also illuminate any underlying damage that may have been hidden beneath dried-on salt or dirt. If body repair is needed, your Audi car care specialist will be able to take care of it.

Help to ensure that your Audi looks great and lasts as long as possible by implementing this spring cleaning checklist every year. You can read more on this topic by following the link.
